Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jan 1-2, 2014: I already failed.

So, of course I already failed. Yesterday was to be the first day that I blogged in 2014. And I failed. I have nothing to blame but myself and the fact that I had a massive hangover that I was nursing pretty much all day.

Yesterday was a very rough day for me. Aside from the hangover, I was alone nearly all day trying to cope with the feelings that have been haunting me for the last week and a half. And no, I wasn't okay.

I tried ignoring them with the Nebraska vs. Georgia bowl game- WHICH WE KICKED BUTT.


And then I watch Sherlock with a friend of mine. GOD DAMMIT SHERLOCK. The friend of mine and I then talked until about 8 PM. So, then I was by myself trying to cope. 

Feelings are hard. They also suck.

Overall, I'm glad 2013 is done. Aside from making it through alive, it wasn't my best year.

Today I haven't done much. But that's okay, I guess. I really should get out of bed.

That's it for today/yesterday. See you tomorrow.

xoxo, b.

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