Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014: A world I don't live in.

I've been entranced by Gossip Girl. Their world of the Upper East Side in NYC. God, to live a fancy, rich life where I wouldn't have to care about money, status, or class. It reminds me of Ariel in The Little Mermaid. But then I remember that I'd be so over all the drama of the upper class. I could never be so 'prim and proper'. I don't think I could ever deal with the repercussions. So no, I don't want to be a part of this world. I don't think I could ever fit in. I'm not prim and proper. I'm not one to have my parents dictate who I can date and where I must go for college. I want to do what I want to do. I think that's all I can really ask for, right? Some sort of  f r e e d o m.
Aside from that, I haven't done much since New Years. How enthralling this new year is. I don't need to worry though. All good things come to those who wait. 

Or... actually to those who pursue them. 

But anyway. Speak of the devil. Somehow, things may get better. I shouldn't worry. I have two weeks until I am 21. Two weeks until I am into my second semester of Junior year. Two weeks. I think I can make it.

Sorry for the tangents. 

It's a very interesting mind I have.

xoxo, Bridget

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