Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014: Oops.


Will you forgive my behavior? I've royally messed up here. I went from January 5th, 2014 to May 15, 2014 without a single post. I'm awful. I'm so sorry. This semester took me on a run for my money. I barely passed one of my classes... but only because the professor is a royal asshat.

Take a look at my semester.

But alas, my junior year in college has come and gone. Wow. We had our banquet, where I was recognized verbally for all the extra work I do and how everyone appreciates it, and I also got a nice scholarship, although I have yet to find out how much it'll be worth.

Bryan & I at Banquet 2014
I'm now back at my parents' house until I go off to study abroad. Study abroad. Where you may ask? Ireland. I'm going to Ireland! I'm so excited and it's only 10 days away when I leave to go to London for a couple days and then go over to Limerick, Ireland for the next three weeks. And then I'll be back in the States by mid-June. 

Oh... and then in a new house. My parents decided to move! This threw me off when I heard about it. But hey, whatever suits their fancy. It'll be weird losing my childhood home. Imagine someone else living here... making new memories that replace the ones my family has had in this space. We loved this house well. It's been worn in. I'm sure a new family will take care of it just as well... hopefully. It's such a beautiful patch of home. 

I don't know if there's anything else to report, so have a lovely start to your summer vacation and I hope life treats you well.

 xoxo, Bridget

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